Tips to dominate networking events, pitch competitions and business meetings.
Hey Reader,
Did you hear the Break the Ice Webinar was a total success?
It was!!!
In it, I shared my top tips for opening conversations at networking events and landing hot leads right away.
I also unveiled the OK YES ELEVATOR PITCH BUILDER. It flexes the power of AI plus my 20 years of experience in marketing. (Psst... here are the instructions and link for early access at no cost... yet!)
This is what Ernesto thought about the tool and results:
I'm happy to report that we have processed the first batch of elevator pitches! I'm over the moon with the results. And here are a couple elevator pitches we polished 🙌
Vivi has a beautiful business, and she was curious to see what a quick elevator pitch would sound like:
And Carol wanted a simple elevator pitch for her Etsy Shop Bio:
Cool, right? All it took them was just a few minutes, and they got back a polished elevator pitch.
I'm ready to process the next batch of elevator pitches by the end of next week, and I can't wait to see how yours comes out.
Access Elevator Pitch Builder |
Keep pitching 🚀
Alejandra Copeland
Founder, Ok Yes Pitch Storytelling​
Tips to dominate networking events, pitch competitions and business meetings.